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Elen - openBIM Checker is an IDS-Based Checking Tool that provides LOD-I validation for BIM models, Customized for Hong Kong. transforming the way buildings are designed, constructed, and operated.

LOD-I Validation in Less Than 5 Mins
Elen streamlines LOD-I validation in under 5 minutes, revolutionizing checks and saving countless man-hours.
BIM Model Viewer
Effortlessly view data completeness with Elen's BIM model viewer, featuring color-coded LOD-I indices for enhanced clarity.
openGIS Dashboard
Leverage openGIS data through Elen's dashboard for seamless project location insights and simplified project management.

Rheo is a plugin for Civil3D and Tekla Structure, that efficiently processes data, performs calculations to determine manhole type and dimensions, and automates drawing production.

Smart Drainage Network Design

Revolutionize drainage design with smart tools for efficient, precise manhole specifications and automated drawing production.

AI-Driven Structural & Hydraulics Design

Harness AI for structural and hydraulic design precision, enhancing your project efficiency and accuracy.

1-Click BIM Model & Drawing Generation

Instantly create BIM models and drawings with a single click, streamlining your workflow for rapid project completion.

ZWING: Innovating Engineering Solutions with AI and Digital Tech

ZWING is your reliable partner in transforming engineering through digital technologies and artificial intelligence. Our mission is to enhance accuracy, reduce errors, and optimize efficiency in engineering processes. With a skilled team and support from the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, we drive innovation and excellence in every project.

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Can the Elen be applied to projects from other countries?

Elen is a versatile software platform that accommodates diverse country-specific standards, making it a globally adaptable solution.

Can the user define the IDS file or the requirements to check the BIM model? If not, how much does your company charge for the customized IDS?

Absolutely! Users can define their own IDS, which we call a 'Marking Scheme' in layman's terms. If required, we can provide coaching services to guide you through the process of creating your IDS.*

*Please refer to the Elen price list (i.e. Standard version, Premium version).

How can the openBIM Checker calculate the LOD-I?

Behind the scenes, the Elen compares the actual data in the BIM models with the required data specified in the IDS.

And the LOD-I Index is an easy-to-understand formula that is a fraction of "Total Correct Data" over "Total Required Data" and then multiplied by the required LOD-I number. (see image on the left)

In design stage, the target LOD-I index is 300 while the target LOD-I index is 500 in construction stage.

Did your project deliver on its promises after handover?

Often physical deliverables are easy to inspect and test whether they are complete and satisfactory to the client's requirements at handover (e.g. testing and commissioning of air conditioning systems).
However, it is not easy to ensure the digital deliverables, in particular BIM data, at handover. This is where Elen comes in.

Unchecked information could be costly—are you sure it's up to standard?

It is an industry pain point that project owners / supervisors are aheache to manually verify thousands to millions of numbers of data in the as-built BIM model provided by contractors.
Whether all the data is up to standard, the common way is to go through a spot check of the as-built BIM model, but it's not error proof.

Can your team verify tens of thousands of data points in just 5 minutes manually?

Absolutely! Contact us now to reserve a live demo presentation.

Can Rheo do clash checks with the existing structures / underground utilities?

Yes, the system can output IFC files, which users can then import into clash detection software (e.g., Navisworks) to check for clashes between the exported model and the existing underground BIM model.

Does Rheo necessarily have to use Civil 3D or Tekla?

Civil 3D serves as the base for drainage network design and can provide longitudinal profile drawings, alignment drawings, and manhole schedules. However, if you require rebar details, Tekla Structures will be necessary. With Tekla Structures, users can also create general arrangement (GA) and reinforced concrete (RC) drawings.

Does Rheo check/design according to the DSD Sewerage Design Manual?

Yes, Rheo supports all drainage and sewage design in accordance with the DSD Sewerage Design Manual, which is tailored to meet the current standards of the Hong Kong market. This ensures that designs are compliant and optimized for local regulations.